Friday, July 12, 2013


I haven’t published anything on the www in a very long time (other than my daily, hilarious musings on the book of faces). Those close to me know it’s because I was writing a book. Then, my computer took a giant shit, the hard drive and mother board committed a double suicide and it wasn’t until they were both shipped off to god-knows-where that I realized I hadn’t backed up the book anywhere. I had sent snippets and pieces and ever a chapter or two here-and-there of it to close friends but really, thirteen chapters; gone. See what happens when I try to keep quiet and personal? Anyway, after that I got rather disgruntled and haven’t been writing at all really for the last two months, oh also I was busy getting married to my most favorite person in the whole wide world.

Things you can expect to read about in the coming weeks:
Married life (is fucking awesome)
Edward Snowden, the NSA, “freedom”
My husband (is fucking awesome)
“Positive thinking”
Equal Rights 
Rants about the Burlington Northern Sante Fe railroad, Metra and why I hate people (kisses, puppies, baby penguins -- I'm not really hateful and when I act like a proper twat, I like to balance it out with something lovely, like thoughts of baby animals or pictures of my friends boobs. but never mine (too bad for you because they are perfect), never ever! ..and definitely not on a public forum like for the world to see. I wouldn't dare! ....Have I mentioned I'm married now? ...yeah, he puts up with a lot of shit, probably because (as mentioned) I have fantastic cans.
Concert Reviews, musical things, and why dating a musician is a terrible idea. 
Why I’m not a feminist 
My opinions on EVERYTHING 
Pictures of me in bathrooms 
And many mooorrreeeee!

…cross your fingers that this one sticks (the blog, and the marriage, well really just the blog. I'm really rather confident in my partnership or what the state of Nevada deems "joined lawful wedlock")

MRS! BañoSnapper

P.S. Got any blog suggestions? Questions? Need advice? Something got you down? Come sit on Auntie Brookie's [blog] lap. I'll straighten you right the fuck out. I am like a walking, talking, gum snapping, (and always accurate) magic 8-ball.  Seriously, and if I don't know about it you can bet your fat, lumpy ass that I'll google the everlivingshit out of it on your behalf, write a full-on blog and I'll even make it look pretty. ....aaaaannnnd GO! ...then come right back cuz I have a blog lined up right behind this one ready to go.

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